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Automotive Body Repairer: Qualifications. Training. Earnings. And Job Outlook

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If you're looking for a career as an automotive body repairer, you've come to the right place. Information about qualifications, training, earnings, and job outlook will be provided. Read on to learn more about this rewarding job! Interested? Start your training today. You will soon be on your path to a fulfilling career. What are the advantages of being an Automotive Body Repairer? Before you start training, here's some information.


Auto body repair technicians restore vehicles back to pre-accident condition. An automotive body repairer's work is often considered to be art. The basic skills of auto repair are taught to students. Students also learn how to use the latest equipment and actually work on vehicles. They do a variety projects from custom painting to job estimation. They are also prepared to further their education in this field. You can find more information below about the qualifications required to be an automotive body technician.

Employers may require that auto body technicians hold some type of industry certification. It is a great idea to get certification. Not only does it show your competence, but it also usually leads to higher wages. Obtaining certification is also a good idea because many paint and vehicle manufacturers offer product certification programs. Although automotive body repairer jobs do not require formal education, they offer excellent career prospects. Many shops provide flexible work hours and a friendly environment.

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Job outlook

The outlook for career prospects as an automotive body repairer is generally good. Many people don't have college degrees, but there are still many career opportunities. The best way to start is with a high-school diploma and some formal training. If you want to be a supervisor, however, you will need industry certifications like the ASE or IICACR. No matter your level of training, manual accuracy and the ability estimate repair costs are essential. There are more job opportunities for people with good manual dexterity as automobiles become more advanced. Good customer service skills are required, as well as good manual dexterity and estimation skills. Another option is automotive glass and windshield. These two sectors are stand-alone businesses that continue to grow.

Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not list specific job opportunities for automotive body repair technicians, it estimates a modest growth in employment for this field through 2029. This is a slower growth rate than for other occupations, but many of these jobs are being created through retirements or transfers. As a result, earning an auto body technician certification will provide you with a better chance at finding a job. You also get many benefits by becoming certified.


You have many advantages when you become a collision technician. The training for an autobody repairer is extensive and covers all aspects of auto body repairs. Students will be taught the basics of collision repair, including metalwork, paint mixing and color matching. They also learn how to estimate costs and comply with safety regulations. The program also includes computer diagnostics and workshops for resume-building. These programs prepare students to pursue a wide range of careers.

Autobody specialists are trained to restore vehicles' bodies and frames. They assess damaged parts and examine the car's frames to determine if structural damage can be repaired. They work mostly indoors. A high school diploma is required for training as an automotive body technician. These programs are typically offered by a trade school. They usually last from six months up to a year. After you complete your training, you are eligible to apply for employment as an automobile body repairer.

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An automotive body repairer's job duties include refinishing car and truck bodies and straightening their frames. They can also work in other industries such as automotive glass installers and car dealerships. The median annual wage for automotive body and related repairers was $41,540 in May 2016, and the lowest 10 percent made under $24,880. The top 10 percent made more than $51,540. Below are details on automotive body repairer earnings by state.

In the U.S., New York is the second-highest-paying state, with drivers in both suburban and urban areas. A high demand exists for auto body technicians because of the high rate of accidents. Driving in Hawaii can be challenging, especially when driving on steep hills or over high peaks. Drivers in Hawaii must have the tools and knowledge to fix truck and car collisions. Auto body technicians are able to make a living in this difficult environment.

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How long does a good mechanic take?

To become a skilled mechanic, you need years of experience and practice. It is best to learn how to fix cars under the supervision and guidance of a professional mechanic.

You will be required to spend time at a car garage learning as much as you can about cars. Mechanical engineering books will be required to learn about mechanics and design.

Auto school is also required.

The most important thing to do is start early. It doesn't matter if you're old or not to study automotive technology. Get started now if you are interested in becoming a mechanic.

What qualifications are required to become a truck mechanic

You don't have formal qualifications for this role, but you are very experienced working on trucks and engines. Your experience is invaluable as you know how to diagnose problems quickly and efficiently.

Your knowledge of diesel technology will allow you to identify the parts that are required to fix our vehicles.

What can I do to fix my car as an hobby?

If you are interested in cars, why not take it on as a hobby? You can repair them, buy their parts, sell them, or just have fun with them. If you are looking for something more, it would be an excellent hobby.

It's not an easy task to make this a full-time job. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. You'll also need to invest a lot.

You might not have a compelling reason to get involved in the car industry.


  • According to the BLS, the median annual salary for automotive service technicians and mechanics in the United States was $44,050 in May 2020. (uti.edu)
  • There were 749,900 jobs available for automotive service technicians and mechanics in 2016, which is expected to grow by six percent through 2026. (jobhero.com)
  • Apprentice mechanics earn significantly less hourly than mechanics who have completed training, with a median wage of approximately $14.50 an hour, according to PayScale. (jobhero.com)

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How To

How to become an automotive technician

An automotive technician performs repairs and maintains vehicles. He/she works at automotive shops, garages or service centers. He/she assists customers in fixing their cars, trucks or motorcycles. An automotive technician must have the ability to quickly diagnose and fix problems.

A person who wants to work as an automotive technician should first obtain an associate degree from a vocational school. After completing the program, he/she must pass ASE certification. ASE stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Two sections make up the ASE certification examination. The first section tests for mechanical knowledge, the second for practical skills. You will need to attend an authorized testing site in order to pass the test. These locations are available online or through your local automotive dealer.

After passing the test, a candidate must pass a state examination before becoming licensed as an automotive technician. This process varies depending on where the applicant lives. Some states require candidates to complete a training program, while others let them study on their own. Some states permit technicians to work immediately after they are granted their license. Others require them to wait at least six consecutive months before they can be licensed.

An applicant should apply to a local auto shop in order to start their career as an automotive technician. Once hired, most new employees start out working as apprentices. Apprenticeships last for three years. This is when a student can learn how to do basic repairs such as changing oil, adjusting brakes and replacing tires. Some students are taught how to repair engines and replace transmission fluids. Most schools offer classes during regular business hours. However, there are some schools that offer evening classes for those who need them.

After completing an apprenticeship, a student becomes a journeyman. Journeymen typically spend four to five years learning how to install major systems, such as transmissions, differentials, steering gear, suspensions, and drive shafts. They also learn to perform complex repairs, such as remanufacturing engines, rebuilding transmissions, and troubleshooting electrical components. Employers prefer to hire journeymen as they are familiar with the job and can anticipate customer needs.

Once a candidate passes the required exams and is granted a license, they might consider opening their own shop. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there were nearly 1.7 million jobs available for automotive mechanics in 2010. This figure is expected to rise 18 percent between 2009-2020. When a candidate plans to open his/her own shop he/she should be ready to invest thousands of dollars in equipment.

Many factors affect the automotive technician's salary, including location, education, experience, and employer type. A jobless person can expect to make $20,000 per year. A high school diploma is all that's required to earn approximately $21,000 annually. Associate's degrees earn approximately $24,000 per annum. Technicians with a bachelor's degree earn about $27,000 per annum. Masters' degree holders earn around $32,000 per annum. Salary increases are common, so a professional who earns less than $30,000 now could reasonably expect to earn $40,000 or more in just a few years.



Automotive Body Repairer: Qualifications. Training. Earnings. And Job Outlook